Auto Insurance for Seniors in Kansas

Older drivers are experienced drivers. They don’t take senseless risks. They know how to drive defensively, and they tend to be courteous on the road. But while rates go down for mature drivers in their 50 and 60s, they start creeping up again in their 70s and 90s. AHI Group in Olathe, KS has some suggestions for making it easier to find the coverage you need at the price you can afford.

Tips For Senior Drivers

Keep Up That Great Driving Record

Stay accident-free. Avoid moving violations. That means, taking stop signs and stoplights seriously, and staying within posted speed ;iomits. If you  do find yourself in traffic court, make sure you take advantage of any driver education programs that can remove a ticket from your record.

Ask Us About Usage-Based Auto Insurance

One of the liberating things about retirement is not having to drive to work every morning and commute back home every night. You don’t spend as many hours behind the wheel. Your agent at AHI Group can help you find a policy that takes mileage into account for rating your policy.

Don’t Drive as Much

Consolidate your daily trips. Take an Uber or Lyft when the weather is bad. Get in the habit of letting someone you trust to take care of driving for you in their car.

Drive the Newest Car You Can Afford

Most of us get attached to our cars. We have memories of good times and bad that we associate without cars. But consider getting the car of your dreams now so you won’t spend so much time and money on repairs later. Your insurance premiums may be lower with a new car too.

Reach Out To Us

At AHI Group in Olathe, KS we offer convenient online appointments. You can also call us  to discuss your insurance needs in person.

What are the auto insurance requirements in Kansas?

Like every other state, Kansas has auto insurance requirements for basic coverage. Whether this basic coverage is right for you or not is something that talking to your local independent insurance agent will help you decide. AHI Group in Olathe, KS has a team of experienced insurance agents who will put your interests first. 

What are the auto insurance requirements in Kansas?

In Kansas, the required auto coverage is 25/50/25. This is all liability coverage. $25,000 for bodily injury to one person injured in an auto accident where you have been deemed the responsible party and $50,000 if more than one person is injured. It also included $25,000 for damage to property. You need to consider if this liability coverage protects your assets or whether you need additional coverage. 

For those who have a car loan or are leasing their vehicle, basic coverage will not be acceptable. While the lender or lessor owns the vehicle, you will need to protect it with collision and comprehensive coverage. 

While you must have the required liability coverage, protecting your auto if you own the vehicle is optional. You need to ask yourself if my vehicle was damaged or totaled, would I be able to repair or replace it on my own? If your answer is no, then you need to consider adding additional coverage to protect it. Having to be without a vehicle would be a hardship for most people who count on their vehicle every day for the normal activities of daily life. 

Beyond the requirements, there are other optional coverages that can make your policy a better fit for you and your lifestyle. Full glass coverage will replace your vehicle windows without a deductible, roadside assistance will help you if your vehicle breakdown, won’t start or has a flat tire. 

Get Auto Insurance Today

Contact AHI Group in Olathe, KS to get your auto policy reviewed and to discuss the coverage that you need.